Sunday, April 27, 2008

Are you part of the "Go Green!" campaign?

What do you think about all the companies suddenly jumping on board the “Go Green!” campaign? Companies like Honda, Continental Airlines, PG & E, S.C. Johnson, Goldman Sachs and Hewlett-Packard are among some of the companies that, according to CNN Money have gone “above and beyond what the law requires to operate in an environmentally responsible way.”

Last week was earth day and the TV and news were full of promotions for companies that are going green. Even E! Entertainment interviewed celebrities on the ways in which they contribute to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Some celebs, such as Tori Spelling who rambled off a few random items, appeared extremely caught off guard by this question and as a viewer it was apparent that now celebrities are under pressure to hop aboard the “Go Green!” campaign.

Wal-Mart recently implemented an advertising campaign that invites all Wal-Mart shoppers to join together in an effort to make a difference. Specifically, Wal-Mart created a commercial encouraging all Wal-Mart shoppers to use a certain type of light bulb, and gave statistics to demonstrate the impact this change would make. Check out the commercial below.

I think it’s great that huge corporations, celebrities and everyday people such as Wal-Mart shoppers are exerting the extra effort to help support and preserve our environment. It is definitely a critical issue to help maintain our earth for future generations, and it appears that we are doing a great job! I just hope everyone doesn’t get so wrapped up in this one issue that the countless other issues plaguing today’s society are neglected. We still have starving people abroad and in the U.S., a high rate of unemployment, welfare, homelessness, domestic abuse and countless other issues that also need support.

It is fantastic that all of the U.S. seems to be uniting in the effort to promote environmentally friendly lifestyles, and I hope that in the future we will unite again to make a difference on another issue. Making a difference lies in our hands.

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